
Thermodynamics of Hell

“(extlink)The Nature of Hell”:http://www.prometheus6.org/2004/01/the_nature_of_hell.php – The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so “profound” that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well. [ Prometheus 6 ...

NAFTA Effects

A decade later, a tempered vision of NAFTA – Industrial space that was once hotter than a jalapeño pepper is cooling as companies that flocked to Mexico in the 1990s are looking to China, Honduras, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere for lower wages and better all-around conditions. Overall, the number of jobs in Mexico’s so-called maquiladora ...

Racism in Lord of the Rings

Racism in Lord of the Rings – Okay, yes, it’s true. Many of the Orcs (and the super-Orcs) are dark-skinned and have slant-eyes. They are also how shall I put this? Orcs! Ya frickin’ idjit! One is tempted to ask who is the real racist here? On the one hand we have people like me ...