
Late Night Emails

I have a bit of a habit – I send all my thoughtful (well, relatively thoughtful emails) late at night. One of my staff members commented during a 1-1 session that he’s torn – he generally does want to respond/converse when I comment on process, philosophy, and the like (+1) but… it’s like 8,9,10PM and ...

Follow the $: Verizon iPhone != LTE

холови гарнитуриThe perennial Verizon iphone rumors keep ticking by, with speculation about contract dates, terms, projections, and the usual interview of some guy in line at the apple store who says “I’d switch today”. A recent thread seems to be in a lot of these stories: “Verizon iPhone will use LTE (4G)”. While I have ...

Perf4j+Maven+AspectJ CTW

Recently I’ve incorporated Perf4j for runtime performance statistics on a number of projects, combined with our in-house counters and other standard libs (actually I quite like the annotation-style logging of perf-stats, and the tag-name rollup conventions, and will probably retrofit both into our existing collection tools). I had a bit of difficulay initially getting AspectJ ...

Facebook -> Chainletter NG

Looking through my friends streams – I saw a big blurb for: http://www.subwayfootlongspromo.com/ (notice the comment box isn’t real…) Which convinces me – Facebook Like Pages are the new Chainletter. And, even better than Chainletter (costs a lot) or Chainletter 2.0 (fills up email boxes), Chainletter NG allows you to check the progression of your ...

Neat Intellij Tricks

So, after a few months of working almost exclusively in Intellij, I have to say I think it *is* a better IDE, and I miss it when I go back to Eclipse. There’s significant talk about us adopting it, though the usual questions about retraining, etc. rear their ugly head. Neat tidbits that have come ...