
Congratulations to the New Sakai Board Members

RT @mkorcuska: Congrats to @mfeldstein67 @drchuck, @_ieb_, and Maggie Lynch on election to Sakai Board Congratulations to all, and sounds like the future is well in hand…

NYC-Sakai UG & Sakai 3 (and more)

Had the chance to meet up with some people from all around (NYU, Columbia, Marist, Zach and some others) last night in NYC to talk about all things including what sounds like some really exciting movement around Sakai 3. Was a great time, and real refreshing to see everyone again in person. Sadly I’m a ...

“Sakai Courseware Management” – *the* Sakai Book

This may be old news to others, but I finally have my copy of the new “Sakai Courseware Management” book (courtesy of the folks over at Packt) and more surprisingly have even been able to carve out time to read the contents. For people who may not have been aware, this is the book that ...

Sakai Tools – Inside/Outside the Box

Some interesting sakai-ux discussion tied in with thoughts I’ve been having recently related to native vs. integrated services and content in portal-type environments… where do the lines get drawn, and how do you handle horizontal services? From a functionality/architecture point of view, the idea of loosly coupled integrations with external services like wikis, or Google ...

ITWeb :Unisa embraces Microsoft

ITWeb :Unisa embraces Microsoft: “[ Johannesburg, 3 December 2008 ] – At a time when many public organisations are migrating to open source solutions – the University of SA (Unisa) has chosen to embrace Microsoft. From 2009, registered students at Unisa will be required to sign up for a Microsoft-provided e-mail service. The free e-mail ...