
Facebook Platform – In-road to HE Legitimacy?

Facebook Platform - In-road to HE Legitimacy?
http://developers.facebook.com/index.php Facebook has once again made it the coolest platform ever by opening their API further, and most importantly supporting sessions that don’t expire every 24 hours. There’s been a lot of talk on the web about this helping them to monetize Facebook’s user base through commerce partnerships. I think that’s true, but I also ...


I just got back from 4 days out at University of Montana where I presented a couple of sessions at the Portlets2007 conference. It was an interesting experience — most of my past experience has been at JA-SIG, JUGs, or other open-source heavy audiences which tend to be… shall we say… self-selected. I did 2 ...

Netvibes Promises Cross-Platform Widget Compatibility

Netvibes Promises Cross-Platform Widget Compatibility Today at the Future of Web Apps conference in London, Netvibes founder Tariq Krim announced that their upcoming “Coriander” release will do just that. Once launched, any widget created for Netvibes, Krim says, will work on the Vista, Google, Mac and Opera platforms as well. Support for Yahoo Widgets and ...

uP3 Day 6: More Layouts & GAPS

Published lots of portlets… edited lots of data.xml… really need a publishing tool. 🙂 Faizan’s been struggling all day without to much traction working on getting GAPS working – looks like some kinks between the updated PersonDirectory code and changes Dan’s been making on GAPS as the API evolves. I saw he posted last night ...

uP3 Day 5: More Person Directory & Data.xml Channel Publishing

Faizan’s PersonDirectory changes didn’t seem to take on my machine — not sure why, maybe the UserAttributesPortlet got patched, and I don’t have the most current version? I think he started looking at GAPS at home, but was running into some problems. I’m still looking at migrating our template user into the portal framework. For ...