
Onstar and Privacy

OnStar Considered Harmful – “A few weeks ago Slashdot ran an article on the privacy issues in EzPass. Some of the comments referred to other things Big Brother could do with GPS in cars, and now the New York Times has run a column on what else your car is saying about you (free registration ...

Racism in Lord of the Rings

Racism in Lord of the Rings – Okay, yes, it’s true. Many of the Orcs (and the super-Orcs) are dark-skinned and have slant-eyes. They are also how shall I put this? Orcs! Ya frickin’ idjit! One is tempted to ask who is the real racist here? On the one hand we have people like me ...

NYT: Iranian Quake Death Toll 25,000

– Iran Quake Toll Rises to 25,000; Injured Fill Hospitals, and Streets – KERMAN, Iran, Dec. 27 — As rescue workers raced to the ancient city of Bam, officials there raised the death toll from its 12-second earthquake on Friday to 25,000, and worried that it could go much higher. [NY Times] This is truly ...

FastCompany on Walmart’s Cutthroat Practices

The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know – A gallon-sized jar of whole pickles is something to behold. The jar is the size of a small aquarium. The fat green pickles, floating in swampy juice, look reptilian, their shapes exaggerated by the glass. It weighs 12 pounds, too big to carry with one hand. The gallon jar ...

Businessweek on Indian Outsourcing

Corporate America’s Silent Partnet: India – The shift of skilled work to India is becoming one of Corporate America’s worst-kept secrets. Almost daily, India’s newspapers carry items on new plans by U.S. software, finance, or pharmaceutical companies to open or expand call centers and research labs. Officials from Bombay to Bangalore point to splashy new ...