
New CSS Site Design

The frontpage has been redone into a new design using CSS to position the sidebars. There’s a few bugs to work out (particularly in Internet Explorer) but hopefully they’ll get worked out in a few days and then I’ll extend the design to the rest of the site.

Building a Tivo

PVR Parts Ordered – Since the hardware is now on order, I suppose I have committed myself to building what Catherine has branded “STeVo”, which is my feeble attempt at a constructing a homebrew PVR (personal video recorder). [hatch.org] I’m going to be following this, since I’ve also been thinking about this, and I can’t ...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to not breaking all those resolutions 🙂

NAFTA Effects

A decade later, a tempered vision of NAFTA – Industrial space that was once hotter than a jalapeño pepper is cooling as companies that flocked to Mexico in the 1990s are looking to China, Honduras, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere for lower wages and better all-around conditions. Overall, the number of jobs in Mexico’s so-called maquiladora ...

Macworld Wishlist

Macworld Wish List for Steve by David Miller – Macworld SF is like a second Christmas for many Mac users. And it all begins with Steve’s keynote address. What new goodies are in store for this coming year? Here’s a wish list from Mac DevCenter writers. [MacDevCenter]