

.: Snoop Dogg – Tha Shizzolator :. Give it a URL to see what the page would look like if Snoop Dogg was saying it. Load this page to see what “the Underware goes Outside the Pants” would sound like from Snoop. > Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It’s a ...

French Religious Symbol Ban

> PARIS, Oct. 21 – To enforce its new law banning > religious symbols from public schools, the Ministry of > National Education has decided to get tough. > > This week it held formal disciplinary hearings and began > expelling students who violated the law. The goal was to > get rid of those ...

GE Imagination at Work

[Imagination at Work! CUBED](http://www.imaginationcubed.com) is a VERY cool Flash applicatin by people at GE to do collaborative whiteboarding. The cool thing is they’ve built in chatting, basic drawing, and a way to invite people to ongoing sessions via either email or IM. Very neat.

Baby’s First Movie


> Voters who visit the Votergasm website can choose from three > different levels of commitment: > > * “Votergasm citizens” must pledge to withhold sex from non-voters > for a week after election night > * “Patriot-level commitment” requires a voter to have sex with > another voter on election night as well as ...