
Netvibes Promises Cross-Platform Widget Compatibility

Netvibes Promises Cross-Platform Widget Compatibility Today at the Future of Web Apps conference in London, Netvibes founder Tariq Krim announced that their upcoming “Coriander” release will do just that. Once launched, any widget created for Netvibes, Krim says, will work on the Vista, Google, Mac and Opera platforms as well. Support for Yahoo Widgets and ...

Kuali Infrastructure Suite

Building components aimed at serving needs of Kuali (Finance, Research, Student?), but hopefully reusable in other contexts. Kuali Rice – middleware to facilitate workflow, ESB, notification “Nervous System” “Rice Client” tied into ESB to pass around real-time messages and communication. One of the goals seems to be to limit the amount of Java code in ...

Flash Portal

YourMinis is a Flash-based customizable homepage product that will compete for users with a number of similar products that use Ajax – Netvibes, Pageflakes, Google, Live.com and more. This was launched by a startup called Goowy, which created a flash-based productivity suite (email, calendar, IM, etc.) last year – see here for our Goowy coverage. ...

Portlet Repository Protocol

Java.net has a project for a Portlet Repository Protocol that would let portals go out and retrieve pre-compiled binary portlets, which could then be installed and offered to users. I’ve thought for a while that portlets could do with Eclipse style add/update, and this seems like it could be promising foundational work to roll and ...