
FASB’s all wrong on this one

“News.com – FASB’s all wrong on this one”:http://news.com.com/FASB%27s+all+wrong+on+this+one/2010-1014_3-5302648.html?part=rss&tag=5302648&subj=news.1014.5 It will mean the end of many broad-based options programs, curtailing the American innovation and creativity that sets us apart globally, and that fundamentally, America’s workers, businesses and overall economy will pay the cost. Though I have issues with the pragmatist’s argument that expensing options is too ...

Walmart Night Lock-ins

Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart – It was 3 a.m., Mr. Rodriguez recalled, some heavy machinery had just smashed into his ankle, and he had no idea how he would get to the hospital. The Sam’s Club, a Wal-Mart subsidiary, had locked its overnight workers in, as it always did, to keep robbers out ...

WTC 9/11 Memorial Design

WTC 9/11 Memorial Design
Memorial to 9/11 Victims Is Selected – A design consisting of two reflecting pools and a large grove of trees was chosen for the World Trade Center memorial after an eight-month competition that drew more than 5,000 entries from around the world, officials announced Tuesday. [ “(extlink)NY Times”:http://www.nytimes.com ] Personally, the design evokes memories of ...

Onstar and Privacy

OnStar Considered Harmful – “A few weeks ago Slashdot ran an article on the privacy issues in EzPass. Some of the comments referred to other things Big Brother could do with GPS in cars, and now the New York Times has run a column on what else your car is saying about you (free registration ...

World Record: Most Intoxicated Man

The Star-Ledger covered a note about a Latvian man who was picked up with a blood-alcohol level of 7.22 PPM, approximately twice the level at which most people stop breathing (4.0). Even better was the hospital’s emergency ward head who ‘told reporters there was no record of anybody having survived such a dose, even in ...