
Draft for Computers/Linguists Considered

Agency initiates steps for selective draft – WASHINGTON — The government is taking the first steps toward a targeted military draft of Americans with special skills in computers and foreign languages. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is adamant that he will not ask Congress to authorize a draft, and officials at the Selective Service System, the ...

Most Favored Drug Pricing

John Robb’s Weblog – Here’s a BIG problem that if corrected can help our trade deficit and slow offshoring. Health insurance costs are expensive in the US. It makes US workers much more expensive relative to competitors globally (which in turn drives our trade deficit and offshoring). So why do we allow US pharms to ...


Apex Digital and bargain culture | PVRblog – It is incredible to think of a company less than 5 years old, with about 100 employees, selling over $1 billion, being second in marketshare to Sony (at least within the category of DVD players.) Apex seems to have converged at a point between the globalization of ...

Outsourcing Warfare

Wired 11.02: This Gun For Hire – DynCorp represents nothing less than the future of national security. While outfits like Raytheon make their money developing weapons systems, DynCorp offers the military an alternative to itself. In 2002, the company took in $2.3 billion doing what you probably thought was Pentagon work. DynCorp planes and pilots ...

Omni-Credit Card

Omni-Credit Card
Wired News: Chameleon Card Changes Stripes – The Chameleon Card’s black strip covers a programmable transducer that mimics the information on the magnetic strips of the cards it is replacing. A new handheld device from Chameleon, the Pocket Vault, programs the Chameleon Card to take the place of any credit card the consumer chooses for ...