

Waypath Weblog: New Version of our MT Plugin p. I’ve started using the Waypath plugin to provide a “similar entries on other sites” section in the sidebar. I had tried using the Google search feature built into MT, but wasn’t happy with the results. So far I’ve been somewhat happier with the Waypath items, but ...

Google’s IPO

The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town – That, as it happens, is what Google is contemplating. To be sure, the company has made the rounds on Wall Street and auditioned the usual investment banks. But it is also considering a different approach. Instead of hiring an investment bank, Google would effectively let the ...

New Google Look

New Google Look
Google Testing New Look (Google Weblog) – Christopher Clay reports that Google is testing out a new look. Only a small portion of Google users will see it now, but presumably they’ll roll it out for everyone if it tests well. I like it. [ “(extlink)Googleblog”:http://google.blogspace.com ] I like the new look as well. It ...

UID to Sort Blog Posts?

The Echo Effect in the Blogosphere – I wish there were a Universal Story ID Number (USID)  in the blogosphere.  Then I wish my RSS Feed Reader could organize my content by the USID so that I could turn off a story and all comments related to that story.  [< a href="http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/MikeWalsh/" class="extlink">Mike Walsh’s Social Software Stuff] He brings up an interesting point of how with ...

Dvorak predicts the death of blogs

p. “(extlink)John Dvorak writes in his column”:http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1382914,00.asp that blogs are over-hyped, based on a recent study that shows increasing abandonment of even established blogs online, after the novelty wears off. I think though, that he’s missing the point, which is that blogs lower the cost of publishing to a point where all kinds of specialty ...