
Morse Code Adds @ Sign

SYMBOL ADDED TO MORSE CODE – The 160-year-old communication system now has a new character to denote the “@” symbol used in e-mail addresses. In December, the International Telecommunications Union, which oversees the entire frequency spectrum, from amateur radio to satellites, voted to add the new character. [ “(extlink)CJ Online”:http://www.cjonline.com ] Now there’s a sign ...

Apple Computer Debt Free

Apple CEO Steve Jobs today sent out a letter to Apple employees: Team, Today is a historic day of sorts for our company. When I arrived back at Apple in mid-1997, the company was burdened with $1 billion of debt. Through everyone’s hard work we turned Apple around, paid off the majority of our debt ...

Outsourcing is a Fad

Getting to ” Very Satisfied” – Lewis and Brzykcy, fortysomething sisters with otherwise normal lives as a training consultant and a management consultant, respectively, in suburban Illinois, decided to channel their own mounting dissatisfaction as customers into a full-flung survey of almost 500 retailers. At home-improvement stores, gas stations, and fast-food restaurants, the sisters shopped, ...

Music is Struggling

Killing the Music – When I started in the music business, music was important and vital to our culture. Artists connected with their fans. Record labels signed cutting-edge artists, and FM radio offered an incredible variety of music. Music touched fans in a unique and personal way. Our culture was enriched and the music business ...

Costco: Good Pay = Good Business

Costco Sees Value in Higher Pay – “We pay better than the supermarkets, and we pay much better than Wal-Mart,” Sinegal says. “That’s not altruism,” he continues. “It’s good business.” The numbers seem to back him up. Costco’s labor costs amount to 7% of its $42 billion in annual sales, a key industry yardstick. By ...