
Cornell Notification System (KEN)

Project looking to provide a super-inbox for important notifications. Using the Kuali Enterprise Notification service – again use cases look a lot like the myRutgers Alert system. Actually, sounds like the vision of our alerts combined with announcements combined with other things. avoid the overloaded email box integrated with workflow user & group addressing audit ...

Kuali Infrastructure Suite

Building components aimed at serving needs of Kuali (Finance, Research, Student?), but hopefully reusable in other contexts. Kuali Rice – middleware to facilitate workflow, ESB, notification “Nervous System” “Rice Client” tied into ESB to pass around real-time messages and communication. One of the goals seems to be to limit the amount of Java code in ...

DVD profit margins double that of VHS

DVD profit margins double that of VHS > The most interesting information details the strength of the DVD market. Between 2002 and 2003, MGM saw a 40% boost in DVD shipments in North America, and 53% increase worldwide. One slide shows just how quickly DVD has caught on: it took only five years for 30 ...

Bit torrent and P2P Distribution

Wired 13.01: The Bit Torrent Effect Cohen knows the havoc he has wrought. In November, he spoke at a Los Angeles awards show and conference organized by Billboard, the weekly paper of the music business. After hobnobbing with “content people” from the record and movie industries, he realized that “the content people have no clue. ...

Cutting Mass. Partner Benefits

business2blog: Companies Cut Benefits to Gays >> Massachusetts companies, some of which pioneered so-called domestic-partner benefits for unmarried, same-sex partners, said they are now withdrawing them for reasons of fairness: If gays and lesbians can now marry, they should no longer receive special treatment in the form of health benefits that were not made available ...