
Plagiarism Detectors

A survey of around 350 undergraduates found nearly 25% had copied text from another source at least once. A new service that can scan 4.5 billion web pages is now online so that lecturers can check the originality of the work submitted by students. I wonder how much of this plagiarism would be avoided if ...

Gas Prices

What the options are for lowering oil prices | csmonitor.com bq. Some US senators want to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a way to lower the price of crude oil. OPEC is talking about increasing production. A consumer group wants the Bush administration to open up an investigation into the competitive practices of the ...

MT 3.0 Quickpost-Opera Bug

The quickpost bookmarklet produced by Movabletype 3.0D inserts %20 in the place of spaces into the bookmarklet code. This causes Opera 7.5 to choke on the javascript. To fix the quickpost, just replace any occurances of %20 with a space.

Problems Getting Macs in Enterprise

Mac News: Enterprise : The Challenge Apple Faces in Enterprise Computing bq. Unfortunately, that kind of expertise, in which the wrong people apply inapplicable experience to make wrong decisions, perpetuates its own reality and thus defines the challenge Apple faces in the enterprise computing market — explaining why spotting an Apple X-serve and RAID array ...

100k Income in a 800k House

the family economy | Metafilter references an article in the Washington Monthly discussing whether or not we’re in a housing bubble right now. bq. Truth is, in most of the country there’s no housing bubble. Perhaps the crucial ratio from which economists determine whether housing markets are out of whack is the ratio of home ...