

Hehe, originally uploaded by jayshao. Sometimes I swear, Chris just looks like he’s up to something…


Saw the ultrasound this morning, and it’s twin girls! Words can’t describe the feelings. For some reason girls in general (and especially 2 girls at the same time) just seems so much more intimidating than boys. Maybe it’s just the over-protective father in me rearing his ugly head. 🙂 Any how, guess little pink dresses ...


Lisa and I just found out that apparently the new baby is… 2 babies. While getting an initial sonogram done to confirm the expected due date, the technician just starts off by blurting out “you know it’s twins, right?” Actually, NO, we didn’t know… After sorting out that it’s not just something that she says ...

New Baby Photos

I finally got around to doing a dump off the digital camera, and posted 30 or so new photos into [Chris’s online photo gallery](http://gallery.shao.org/Christian). He’s gotten to be quite active, creeping & crawling away. Hopefully I’ll have some new photos showing his new pastime of climbing on mommy and daddy soon. Enjoy!

Dealing with Wachovia

I had opened an account with Wachovia recently, now that I am full-time at Rutgers University, since there is a Wachovia ATM in the campus center. Despite being assured that I would not be charged for an initial order of checks (which I didn’t want) only a week after my account had been opened a ...