
Mac Eye for the Windows Guy

Mac Eye for the Windows Guy
Confessions of a code addict: Mac Archives Actually pretty funny. The QueerEye crew remakes a Windows PC.

Phone: I’m Drunk, Get a Cab

BBC NEWS | Technology | Software ‘chum’ to help students His favourite feature – Take Me Home, I’m Drunk – is most likely to be used after students have taken advice on the best pubs in the area. It sends a message to a local taxi firm, detailing the address where the student can be ...

9/11 Intel Failure?

Third Party Watchblog bq. At best, I can only conclude that our government was a mess regarding national security. And like any large beauracracy that changes leaders every 4 to 8 years, our government’s ability to plan long term, implement and fulfill long term projects, and remain consistently focused on priorities such that national security ...

Code Beautifier and Textile

I’m testing out the “(extlink)MTCodeBeautifier”:http://voisen.org/archives/projects/000239.php plugin. bc[Java]. import java.io.* public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello World”); } }

100k Income in a 800k House

the family economy | Metafilter references an article in the Washington Monthly discussing whether or not we’re in a housing bubble right now. bq. Truth is, in most of the country there’s no housing bubble. Perhaps the crucial ratio from which economists determine whether housing markets are out of whack is the ratio of home ...