
Search Ads Violate Trademark?

Geico sues Google, Overture over trademarks | CNET News.com bq. Geico, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company owned by Warren Buffett, filed suit against Google and Yahoo-owned Overture on May 4, in federal court in Alexandria, Va. The insurer charged the two companies with infringing on its trademarks when they sold them as ...

Gas Prices

What the options are for lowering oil prices | csmonitor.com bq. Some US senators want to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a way to lower the price of crude oil. OPEC is talking about increasing production. A consumer group wants the Bush administration to open up an investigation into the competitive practices of the ...

Flying Car Demoed at Show

Flying Car Demoed at Show
Flying Car more economical than SUV | The Register bq. It’s just a prototype, but judging by the queues of eager children – of all ages – that clustered around his M400 SkyCar, he has the hit of the show. Moller has spent $200 million and many years of his life on this quixotic venture. ...

MT 3.0 Quickpost-Opera Bug

The quickpost bookmarklet produced by Movabletype 3.0D inserts %20 in the place of spaces into the bookmarklet code. This causes Opera 7.5 to choke on the javascript. To fix the quickpost, just replace any occurances of %20 with a space.

MPAA and Customers

Consumers’ digital rights debated This tape was purchased in Chinatown in Washington, D.C.,” he said, reading from its cover. He told the subcommittee that tools by 321 Studios LLC produced the tape, and he pointed to a warning label indicating that reproduction for commercial use is prohibited — drilling home his point that labels and ...