
Scripturizer Movable Type Plugin

p. “(extlink)Dean Peters”:http://mt-plugins.org/archives/entry/scripturizer.php has created an excellent “(extlink)Movable Type”:http://www.movabletype.org plugin which I’m using to automatically build links to passages in my comments on my daily devotional. His text processor automatically replaces chapter and verse references with a link to “(extlink)Bible Gateway”:http://www.biblegateway.com . The only item I had to make was a slight modification to the ...

Athlon XP & Heatsinks

I put together my Athlon XP system today, and finally got it booting. The problem ended up being exactly what Googling suggested, the Athlon won’t boot without a heatsink attached. For good reason too, WITH the heatsink (w/o thermal paste) the processor clocked in at 150+ degrees. It would boot, but I noticed various erratic ...