
There Are Two Americas

The real difference between the two parties comes with the decision of at one point, exactly, the government should start restricting our lives. Does Big Brother have a place in markets, or in minds, or in both? Up until this point in our recent political memory, the Leave Us Alone crowd has traditionally found a ...

Urban Legends: Automobiles (Sweet Revenge)

Judging from the entries made on one police blotter after another, cars around the nation are having their gas tanks sugared by those whom their owners have displeased. Why is this happening? Because, according to widespread belief, sugar poured into a gas tank will Sugar, Sugar turn into a poor man’s version of liquid cement ...

Panic at Nigerian ‘killer calls’

Nigerian mobile phone users have been anxiously checking who is calling them before answering them in recent days. A rumour has spread rapidly in the commercial capital, Lagos, that if one answers calls from certain ‘killer numbers’ then one will die immediately. ——–

Sun’s Gosling: New Java Flavors Brewing

And there was another one where a bunch of us decided to take the second floor of one building and we put like sheetrock over all the doorways and re-plastered them and painted them. We re-did the numbers on the stairwells going up. We rewired the elevator system so that it looked like when you ...

BSA: Piracy “losses”

The BSA seems to be confused on where to pin the blame on software piracy, but it may be due to the audience they are trying to influence. Piracy is a global problem and it is hard to pin it down to a single cause. Currently P2P networks are a problem, but according to this ...