
@ SakaiCon

Just got off the plane and am at the hotel for the Sakai Conference (explains the flurry of blogging — no distracting internet, so time to write 🙂 ) I’ll be out in Newport Beach, CA from Fri 11/30 – Fri 12/6. If you’re around (esp. Fri night) and looking for something to do give ...

NYC Sakai User Group

A few of us have been working to get a NYC Sakai User Group off the ground, and Tue 9/25 is the day! Come join us for an afternoon of networking, sharing, and maybe some dinner, graciously hosted by NYU. Details are: New York University 110 Fifth Ave (between 16th and 17th St) 5th Floor ...

NYC Man Lives in Mobile Home

The New York Times – A Rent-Free Place, if You Can Find a Spot to Park bq. A lot of my friends have kids and bills and they’re all bald,Mr. Hines said. Me, I’m not living large, but life is still good. I’m living on my own terms. I have an apartment on wheels. I ...

Parents Sue NFL for fan DWI

The “NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com posted an article titled N.F.L. Is Sued Over a Crash That Left a Child Paralyzed that mentions actions by a parent suing the NFL, the NYC Giants, the Meadowlands, the vendors, and anyone else who could possibly have money for a tragic auto accident by an intoxicated fan conviced of a DWI and ...

Anti-war demonstrations

Something that amazes me is the emphasis the media gives Anti-war rallies due to their numbers. 100,000 people is a significant amount, mind you, however I note that organizations like Louis Farakhan, or Promisekeepers, or NOW can rally larger numbers in peacetime without gathering equivalent attention. Although 100,000 individuals is a non-insignificant number, in this ...