
NYC Man Lives in Mobile Home

The New York Times – A Rent-Free Place, if You Can Find a Spot to Park bq. A lot of my friends have kids and bills and they’re all bald,Mr. Hines said. Me, I’m not living large, but life is still good. I’m living on my own terms. I have an apartment on wheels. I ...

Amazon CTO

The Seattle Times: Business bq. An example: When Vermeulen first joined Amazon, he, his wife and their two kids moved to Issaquah. But they decided they liked Corvallis better and returned to their previous home. So he took the train to get to work. Then he drove. Then he hired a sky taxi. “As I ...

Sue Cable TV – It Makes Wife Fat, Kids Lazy

Man says he’s addicted to cable; wants to sue Charter – Cable TV made a West Bend man addicted to TV, caused his wife to be overweight and his kids to be lazy, he says. And he’s threatening to sue the cable company. The real kicker under this story is that the man is suing ...

Video iPods That Work

The Future of Portable Video Players – But Mr. Jobs outlined three reasons he doubted video players would ever approach the success of audio players – not even counting their high price ($700 and up) and the time-consuming difficulty of loading huge video files onto them. It was clear from his answers that Mr. Jobs ...

Onstar and Privacy

OnStar Considered Harmful – “A few weeks ago Slashdot ran an article on the privacy issues in EzPass. Some of the comments referred to other things Big Brother could do with GPS in cars, and now the New York Times has run a column on what else your car is saying about you (free registration ...