
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

NYTimes Magazine article on healthy eating.

Philly Spring UG – Grails

Went to a Philly SpringFramework User Group Meeting last night (http://phillyspring.org/past_meetings.html) where a Grails committer demoed Grails. I have to admin, both Groovy and Grails were very impressing. Groovy’s syntax is nice, clean (especally collections – map,list literals, object literals), Java-like and expressive. Grails takes a lot of Rails inspired features like scaffolding, generators, conventions ...

Change or Die

http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/94/open_change-or-die.html Kotter has hit on a crucial insight. “Behavior change happens mostly by speaking to people’s feelings,” he says. “This is true even in organizations that are very focused on analysis and quantitative measurement, even among people who think of themselves as smart in an MBA sense. In highly successful change efforts, people find ways ...

uP3 Day 6: More Layouts & GAPS

Published lots of portlets… edited lots of data.xml… really need a publishing tool. 🙂 Faizan’s been struggling all day without to much traction working on getting GAPS working – looks like some kinks between the updated PersonDirectory code and changes Dan’s been making on GAPS as the API evolves. I saw he posted last night ...

uP3 Day 5: More Person Directory & Data.xml Channel Publishing

Faizan’s PersonDirectory changes didn’t seem to take on my machine — not sure why, maybe the UserAttributesPortlet got patched, and I don’t have the most current version? I think he started looking at GAPS at home, but was running into some problems. I’m still looking at migrating our template user into the portal framework. For ...