
Kerry and Bush: No Difference?

FOXNews.com – Views – Straight Talk – Kerry, Bush Offer Voters Little Choice bq. Kerry is a pro-business Democrat who’s liberal on those social issues over which the executive branch has little control. President Bush is a big-government Republican who’s conservative on those social issues over which the executive branch has little control. The power ...

Are Girls Evil?

Ablog: Amusing math argument, are girls evil? “(extlink)Dave Winer”:http://www.scripting.com has a funny entry where he purports to show that bc. girls = evil. Since, roughly from the time I was 12, I have rather felt the opposite, I was saddened that my beloved mathematics could fail so miserably. So, as a mathematician by training, I ...

RIAA Lying With Statistics

Moses Avalon posted a great US article on interpreting the RIAA’s figures. When the RIAA discusses sales, they mean shipments to retailers, *NOT* purchases by consumers. While shipments to retailers may be down, sales to consumers as measured by Soundscan are actually *UP* . bq. There is only one logical integration of all these statistics ...

the Passion: Box Office

the Passion: Box Office
John Robb’s Weblog – Passion of the Christ I wonder if for many *Passion of the Christ* is going to end up being the defining main-stream Christian film of the decade?

Yahoo Anti-SPAM Proposal

Yahoo! Media Relations – Press Release bq. When an email message is received from a particular domain, the receiving system verifies the signature with the sender’s public key that is published in the public Domain Name System (“DNS”). If the public key cannot verify the signature, the identity of the sender is not validated and ...