
Made an Offer on a House

We made (and the seller accepted) an offer on a house today. 4 Bedrooms, a basement for the kiddies — promoting sanity for the parents, and a 15 person hot tub are the highlights. Of course, now the real work of actually getting the details, legal, financing, and other bits worked out *starts* but it’s ...

Where Congress spends $$$

Now on Google Earth: Map where Congress spends your tax dollars | Tech news blog – CNET News.com “The Sunlight Foundation on Tuesday released a downloadable Google Earth layer that plots what it says are some 1,500 earmarks attached to a proposed U.S. House of Representatives defense spending bill. The Washington-based group describes its mission ...

The death of computing (Member view) : Articles : Future of Computing : BCS

http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=ConWebDoc.9662 If the gap between public knowledge and academic curriculum isn’t large enough, the gap between academia and industry practice is a gaping hole. While academic departments concentrate on developing new computer systems in an ideal organisational environment, a lot of industry has moved away from in-house development to a focus on delivering a service. ...

Baby Video

I’ve posted an older video of Chris that we took at Lisa’s parents house. I just discovered Flickr a few weeks ago (well, re-discovered, guess that puts me on the trail of the Web 2.0 crowd) so of course YouTube seems like the logical next step. So… here it is:


Lisa and I just found out that apparently the new baby is… 2 babies. While getting an initial sonogram done to confirm the expected due date, the technician just starts off by blurting out “you know it’s twins, right?” Actually, NO, we didn’t know… After sorting out that it’s not just something that she says ...