
10 Things Women Say

via email FINE This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. FIVE MINUTES If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before ...

Less Local Phone Competition

The New York Times – Administration Sides With Bells on Lease Discounts for Rivals bq. The administration’s decision, which was announced in a legal case making its way to the Supreme Court, followed fierce lobbying and hardball tactics. Rivals of the Bells have threatened the administration that they intend to run television advertisements in swing ...

100k Income in a 800k House

the family economy | Metafilter references an article in the Washington Monthly discussing whether or not we’re in a housing bubble right now. bq. Truth is, in most of the country there’s no housing bubble. Perhaps the crucial ratio from which economists determine whether housing markets are out of whack is the ratio of home ...

Senators Can’t be Elected President?

Edwards Notes Differences on Issue of World Trade – Mark Sanford, who is the Republican governor of South Carolina and who has pushed the Bush administration to be tougher on China’s trade policies, said, “Trade, in fact, is a surprisingly bipartisan issue [ “(extlink)NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com ] That last qoute seems to put a strong point behind ...

Flowers Detect Landmines

Flower Power Takes on Land Mines – A Danish biotech company has developed a genetically modified flower that could help detect land mines and it hopes to have a prototype ready for use within a few years. [ “(extlink)Wired News”:http://www.wired.com ] Apparently the scientists have discovered a way to link flowers stress reactions to the ...