
NAFTA Effects

A decade later, a tempered vision of NAFTA – Industrial space that was once hotter than a jalapeƱo pepper is cooling as companies that flocked to Mexico in the 1990s are looking to China, Honduras, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere for lower wages and better all-around conditions. Overall, the number of jobs in Mexico’s so-called maquiladora ...

Lessig in Trial against Charitable Immunity Act

p. “(extlink)Lawrence Lessig”:http://lessig.org/blog/ is representing John Hardwicke in a lawsuit against their common alma mater the American Boychoir School in Princeton. As reported in the “(extlink)Star Ledger”:http://www.nj.com/search/index.ssf?/base/news-1/106870652649440.xml?starledger?ntr :

Software Customer Bill of Rights

In Cem Kaner’s blog: Software Customer Bill of Rights Cem Kaner discusses issues related to increasingly restrictive end user licensing agreements for various software, and how they are diverging from commonly accepted fair use rights for both software and other copyrighted works. Finally, he addresses issues of embedded software in items like automobiles, medical devices, ...

Eric Eldred Act

Many librarians, historians, and others have become increasingly concerned at the ever-expanding reach of copyright (and patent law for that matter) both in bredth and length. The Eric Eldred is a movement to put in place an easy system to speed the transition of commercial works that authors are not recieving value from into the ...