
Study Simpsons in College

The Star Ledger has an article about some offbeat college course topics that have been popping up recently. Students can study everythings to the Simpsons and society, to “How to Watch Television.” Remarkably, instructors have found when they make an effort to involve students and relate their material and overall themes to subjects and examples ...

Eric Eldred Act

Many librarians, historians, and others have become increasingly concerned at the ever-expanding reach of copyright (and patent law for that matter) both in bredth and length. The Eric Eldred is a movement to put in place an easy system to speed the transition of commercial works that authors are not recieving value from into the ...

Snow, snow, and more snow

Snow this week has been unbelievable. My car was streetside parked, and it took me and Lisa almost 40 minutes to dig it out. (The first 5 minutes were actually pretty fun, just like playing in the snow as a little kid. 15 minutes later, when the snow plow came by and plowed me back ...