
Mistakes Lord of the Rings

MSNBC posted an interview with Peter Jackson where they discuss gaffes in the LOTR movies. My favorite: Blunder No. 4: “In shots of Fangorn Forest from a distance, it’s an evergreen forest. Seen from up close or inside, it’s a deciduous forest.” Jackson: Wow. Well, when you see it from the outside, it’s a real ...

Outsourcing jobs to India

Salon.com has an interview with venture capitalist Ravi Chiruvolu where he claims that outsourcing to India isn’t just a cost saving measure, but a competitive necessity. More and more of our competitors will be doing [outsourcing], and all it takes is one or two to pull that model off, and they will have a cost ...

Pay College Athletes?

Tien Mao mentioned an ESPN report on the gift bags distributed at some of this years bowl games. Both Husker and Spartan players will receive an Oakley 2.0 Crush watch, a wool letterman’s jacket with both the Alamo Bowl logo and the team logo and finally, a blue, red and yellow Alamo Bowl throwback jersey. ...

SpaceShipOne Breaks Sound Barrier

Space.com reports that SpaceShipOne has managed it’s first successful powered test flight. On the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight, it seems to have marked the first successful supersonic manned flight by a non-governmentally sponsored effort. Quite an accomplishment for a privately funded effort. Seems like the X-Prize competition has served to motivate quite ...

Religion of Environmentalism

Michael Crichton has posted an essay about what he feels is the greatest threat in our time: The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the ...