
Economics of Taxation (Excellent)

I had the great pleasure of sitting in on a session of “Prof. Altschuler’s”:http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~altshule and have to say that in that one class she managed to convince me that she is one of the 5 best instructors I have had the privledge of seeing at “Rutgers”:http://www.rutgers.edu . Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any ...

Daily Targum Redesign

“The Daily Targum”:http://www.dailytargum.com at “Rutgers-New Brunswick”:http://www.rutgers.edu has undergone a new redesign for this year. While the new coverpage looks cleaner and somewhat more attractive, I think many of the interior pages look less professional and the new styles are inconsistantly applied.

Gentoo, 8139too & Linux Kernel ACPI

p. Well, I finally have my “Gentoo”:http://www.gentoo.org Linux system up… mostly. I can connect to the Internet, I emerged builds of Gnome, KDE, and some apps like Evolution and Galeon. Getting everything configured and running (particularly ethernet) took a couple of days of futzing around and reading up on the “Gentoo Forums”:http://forums.gentoo.org

Slate: Thou Shalt Not Pray

Slate recently published Thou Shalt Not Pray – Does the Constitution hate God? By Dahlia Lithwick. In it the author discusses the trickiness involved in simultaneously working to guarantee freedom of individuals to practice religion with prohibiting the state from establishing religion. She mentions a few points, but then concludes with a passage that takes ...

Textile Plug-in

p. I’ve installed “Brad Choate’s”:http://www.bradchoate.com/past/mttextile.php MT-Textile Plugin and am experimenting with taking my entries further in the direction of structured text. The Textile language, developed by Dean Allen and expounded in his “Textism”:http://textism.com website seems to me to be a much needed shorthand for properly using some of the many HTML constructs which exist, but ...