
New 20 Dollar Bills

New 20 Dollar Bills
p. “The Bureau of Engraving and Printing”:http://www.moneyfactory.com/ has announced the creation and distribution of the new “Series 2004” $20 bills. They hope to deter piracy which has become increasingly simple in the age of digital photocopiers and photoshop, while still maintaining the basic look behind the US currency. Personally, I’d love to see them adopt ...

Parents Sue NFL for fan DWI

The “NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com posted an article titled N.F.L. Is Sued Over a Crash That Left a Child Paralyzed that mentions actions by a parent suing the NFL, the NYC Giants, the Meadowlands, the vendors, and anyone else who could possibly have money for a tragic auto accident by an intoxicated fan conviced of a DWI and ...

SunnComm Drops Lawsuit

The “Daily Princetonian”:http://www.dailyprincetonian.com has an article titled “Threat of lawsuit passes for student”:http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2003/10/10/news/8797.shtml regairding SunnComm’s decision to drop a threatened lawsuit against a Graduate student who published a method to defeat their newest copy protection scheme. While they are trying to spin it off as a desire not to be the company that “creates any ...

Gentoo Linux & MPlayer

I now have my Gentoo Linux setup almost completely functional. I’ve managed to get graphics, sound, and network sharing working. The only big tasks left are printing, and palm-pilot syncing. *ADDITION:* “MPlayer”:http://www.mplayer.hq is quite possibly the best media player I have ever seen. Both it’s ability to play almost any variety of media file that ...

Resume (Handcoded and all)

Just as an exercie I’ve been working on hand-coding my resume, trying to use the HTML(Hypertext Markeup Language) to more closely relate the semantic content, with CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) used to control the formatting. I have most of the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) complete, and hope to finish the stylesheet coding by this weekend. When it ...