
Christian Alexander Shao

I’m proud to announce that at 11:06PM Sunday, August 15th 2004 Christian Alexander Shao took his first leap into the world. He was 7 lb. 13 oz, 20.5″ long, and judging by the strong cries he uttered immediately after entering the world, rather cold and wet.

christian christian and me christian and mom

Lisa is currently recovering at St. Peters Hospital in New Brunswick, and will likely be there until either Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. Visiting hours are from 1-8PM. Hopefully everyone will be able to meet him soon.

I’ve posted some more photos of the little guy online at:

Thank you everyone for your well wishes, support, and prayers.

Holding the little guy is so hard to describe. He’s so small, and yet you can feel and hear every time he breathes, and sneezes, and hiccups. His skins soft, he smells nice (most of the time) and he even has a nice head of hair going on there.

Perhaps the scariest part of now being dad, is that when I hold him, and he’s crying, if I rock him he *STOPS!* It’s like I have superhuman powers.