
Personas and Test Data

I was reviewing the excellent work Unicon’s Gary Thompson has done in developing personas related to uPortal (really they seem applicable across Higher-Education), which jogged my to write about some thinking: leveraging well-developed UE personas to build a suite of synthetic test-data. User Experience is often not fully integrated within other aspects of the software ...

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

NYTimes Magazine article on healthy eating.

Philly Spring UG – Grails

Went to a Philly SpringFramework User Group Meeting last night (http://phillyspring.org/past_meetings.html) where a Grails committer demoed Grails. I have to admin, both Groovy and Grails were very impressing. Groovy’s syntax is nice, clean (especally collections – map,list literals, object literals), Java-like and expressive. Grails takes a lot of Rails inspired features like scaffolding, generators, conventions ...