Fourth Annual NJEDge.Net Conference | A Hard Eye on What IT Buys: Re-thinking IT Service Organizations:
“ad-hoc-cracy” and a a mention that only 2 industries (IT and Illicit drugs) refer to their customers as users highlighted this presentation. Overall the presentation was good, though I think at the end of the day, the audience question was “how do we get to a *sane* model?” to which the answer seems to be — it’s not easy, but I’m a consultant and do this for a living…
A Hard Eye on What IT Buys: Re-thinking IT Service Organizations
Tags: ANT · ci · conference · HTML · it · it-governance · meeting · NJ · njedge2007 · service
Fourth Annual NJEDge.Net Conference | A Hard Eye on What IT Buys: Re-thinking IT Service Organizations:
“ad-hoc-cracy” and a a mention that only 2 industries (IT and Illicit drugs) refer to their customers as users highlighted this presentation. Overall the presentation was good, though I think at the end of the day, the audience question was “how do we get to a *sane* model?” to which the answer seems to be — it’s not easy, but I’m a consultant and do this for a living…