
Iranian Joined Twins

The death of the conjoined Iranian twins was a tragedy, however directing people’s natural sadness against the medical community that attempted the procedure is a mistake.

Safari & Proxy Autoconfig

Dave Hyatt, who is currently working at Apple Computer on their Safari browser has asked for users “Top Ten Problems With Safari’s Web Page Display.” My issues so far are:

In the begining…

This is the start of my new blog. I’ve heard a lot about working with Movable Type based systems, so I thought I’d like to give one a try. Hopefully we’ll see lots of information here, and it’ll stay reasonably current. For now, I’m going to keep this seperate from my jay.shao.org website where I ...

Snow, snow, and more snow

Snow this week has been unbelievable. My car was streetside parked, and it took me and Lisa almost 40 minutes to dig it out. (The first 5 minutes were actually pretty fun, just like playing in the snow as a little kid. 15 minutes later, when the snow plow came by and plowed me back ...

Archives not displaying properly

Still working on fixing the archives. Hopefully they’ll be up soon.