
Bad Spelling Costs $

In Online Auctions, Misspelling in Ads Often Spells Cash – Such is the eBay underworld of misspellers, where the clueless and sometimes just careless sell labtop computers, throwing knifes, Art Deko vases, camras, comferters and saphires. [ “(extlink)NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com ] At last some ammunition for the strict spellers among us. Although, admittedly I don’t understand why ...

Mistakes Lord of the Rings

MSNBC posted an interview with Peter Jackson where they discuss gaffes in the LOTR movies. My favorite: Blunder No. 4: “In shots of Fangorn Forest from a distance, it’s an evergreen forest. Seen from up close or inside, it’s a deciduous forest.” Jackson: Wow. Well, when you see it from the outside, it’s a real ...

McCormick Admits Affair

p. The “(extlink)NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com posted an article titled: Denial Over, Rutgers President Admits Affair in Previous Job regarding “(extlink)Rutgers”:http://www.rutgers.edu President Richard McCormick’s rumored but denied affair with a subordinate while at the University of Washington.

Iranian Joined Twins

The death of the conjoined Iranian twins was a tragedy, however directing people’s natural sadness against the medical community that attempted the procedure is a mistake.