

Netiquette, Online Netiquette UNCENSORED! – Common Courtesies and Social Graces for Newbies and Lazy Netizens is a website that publishes a free monthly newsletter discussing different aspects of internet etiquitte. Things like how to forward email, sending attachments, and other topics. Although sometimes too basic, the items are often of value and worth checking out.

Gentoo Linux & MPlayer

I now have my Gentoo Linux setup almost completely functional. I’ve managed to get graphics, sound, and network sharing working. The only big tasks left are printing, and palm-pilot syncing. *ADDITION:* “MPlayer”:http://www.mplayer.hq is quite possibly the best media player I have ever seen. Both it’s ability to play almost any variety of media file that ...


Been doing PT again now that the winter break is wrapping to a close, and it’s really been wiping me out. Also, I’ve gotten a couple copies of the email form letter about Jane Fonda and Vietnam vets on the web recently. If you see it take it with a grain of salt. Many of ...