
Macs & MT

Michael Hanscom and some other people have finally started to post on something that increasingly has surprised me, and that is the level of Mac penetration into the Movabletype user community. (or is it the penetration of MT with those using Macs) When browsing Mac oriented blogs, a strong majority of them clearly are powered ...

In the begining…

This is the start of my new blog. I’ve heard a lot about working with Movable Type based systems, so I thought I’d like to give one a try. Hopefully we’ll see lots of information here, and it’ll stay reasonably current. For now, I’m going to keep this seperate from my jay.shao.org website where I ...

Addictive Blogging

This whole blogging thing is rather addictive, I must admit. I’ve had all these great ideas for things that I could do to my site now, to make it more interesting, and also things that wouldn’t (hopefully) need more work from me. 🙂 It should be interesting seing in a few weeks or so, how ...

Final Exams

I’m in the middle of final exams at Rutgers right now. I have 1 tonite from 8PM until 11PM, and another tomorrow at noon, so I don’t expect to really be able to get into working on this site until later on, maybe after the holidays. I’m hopping that using a weblog style backend will ...