
Underclassmen NFL Draft?

Ruling in Favor of Clarett Could Open Huge Hole Into N.F.L. – Football may come to resemble basketball, with underclassmen leaving school earlier or attempting to jump from high school to the National Football League, if Maurice Clarett’s successful challenge to the league’s eligibility requirement is upheld, coaches, administrators and other experts said yesterday. [ ...

Unison: Mac Newsreader

Unison: Mac Newsreader
Unison is a new Mac OS X Usenet reader by Panic Software, the same people who produced the Transmit FTP client. It’s probably the slickest Usenet client I’ve used in a while, though being a 1.0 level product it has some features that are missing. h4. Image Browsing The best feature in Panic is by ...

Computers = Man or Woman?

h4. Why computers should be considered masculine: # In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. # They have a lot of data but are still clueless. # They are supposed to help you solve your problems, but half the time they ARE the problem. # As soon as you commit ...

Cuban Buick Sails to FL

Cuban Buick Sails to FL
Maybe better mileage, but no freedom – MIAMI — A group of Cubans who tried to sail to the United States in a 1959 Buick sedan fashioned into a boat have been intercepted at sea by the U.S. Coast Guard, relatives in Cuba and Cuban exiles said yesterday. [ “(extlink)the Star-Ledger”:http://www.nj.com/starledger ] I can’t believe ...

Ecto Test

This post is a test of Ecto for the Mac. Ecto is the desktop blogging client formerly known as Kung-Log. It’s a fairly powerful program for entering and maintaining blog entries, though unfortunately it doesn’t have the MT bookmarklet’s ability to auto-discover trackbacks in webpages. I’ve encountered problems with 1.0.1 of the program with regards ...