
Merry Christmas to everyone

Merry Christmas to everyone! BBQ grilled turkey and stuffing are definitely the way to go for dinner. Korean food isn’t bad as an appetizer, but it’s nice to have a sitdown family meal followed by a boardgame.

Films and Books

I just inserted sections on films and books that I’ve read or viewed recently. I will most likely be updating those sections rather infrequently, but there are so many good books and other works out there, that I just had to plug a few that have caught my eye.

Interesting Items

I’m starting to add some other interesting items, in addition to the newslinks I have a photo album, guestbook, and some other items in the offering. Hopefully over the next few days I’ll manage to put things together.


I’m engaged to the most wonderful person in the world. Lisa Ann Colon. 🙂

Final Exams

I’m in the middle of final exams at Rutgers right now. I have 1 tonite from 8PM until 11PM, and another tomorrow at noon, so I don’t expect to really be able to get into working on this site until later on, maybe after the holidays. I’m hopping that using a weblog style backend will ...