
Site Updates

I’ve made a bunch of changes to the site. In addition to revamping the way the site is setup (breaking it up into parts, and modularizing everything to make the maintanence significantly easier) I’ve added some navigational aids and links. I’m working on integrating the “Movabletype”:http://www.movabletype.org powered blog aspects with some other items that I ...

Resume (Handcoded and all)

Just as an exercie I’ve been working on hand-coding my resume, trying to use the HTML(Hypertext Markeup Language) to more closely relate the semantic content, with CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) used to control the formatting. I have most of the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) complete, and hope to finish the stylesheet coding by this weekend. When it ...

Brand New Used Car

p. Well, Lisa and I are now the proud owners of a functional (finally) ’92 Hyundai Elantra. It’s amazing how little in the automobile department it takes to generate that rush you get from a new car. Though, I must admit for 1/20 the price of a new Honda Civic or other car, I think ...

CS336 (DBMS) Exam

Sesh’s CS336 (DBMS) Exam was a tough cookie. 104.5/146 as a high score is quite a steep curve, which I think reflected the mass feeling that there was too much material for most of class to get through in a 2 hour period. I was lucky enough to score a 100/146, but I think all ...

Wedding Photos Online

Visit http://www.shao.org/gallery to view some of our wedding photos. Right now we have about 1/3 (80 photos) of our wedding photos scanned in, there will be more coming up soon.