

This site is an interesting idea, since it seems like it would be a fairly good way to share calendars. While Apple’s gotten some attention with iCal calendar sharing, the fact is that there are still poor standards for exchanging calendaring information. Any standards for exchanging data could be interesting ——–


Fantastic Idea, though there aren’t that many templates here right now, and the ones that are here aren’t that involved. What I’d really like to see is something akin to Blogger’s new template collection. Kind of a CSS Zen Garden, meets click and run. Good start though. ——–

Fischer plans to marry in Japan

Former chess champion Bobby Fischer, who is in custody in Japan and wanted by his native US, has decided to marry a Japanese national, his lawyer said. ——–

Debt meets middle-class life

that stubborn monthly balance on the credit-card bill. For the average American family, it’s been growing steadily over the past few decades, lurking like a visitor who’s overstayed his welcome – and no one knows quite how to get rid of him. Somehow, people have drifted away from the thriftiness that emerged from the Great ...

McGreevey and Patronage

What it reminds me of is Richard Nixon, the Checkers speech or some of the stuff during Watergate,’ said Steven Cohen, a professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. But he saw already the contrast in the words spoken by the governor and at least some of the reasons for ...