
Portlet Repository Protocol

Java.net has a project for a Portlet Repository Protocol that would let portals go out and retrieve pre-compiled binary portlets, which could then be installed and offered to users. I’ve thought for a while that portlets could do with Eclipse style add/update, and this seems like it could be promising foundational work to roll and ...

Playing with food

Playing with food
Feel like playing with food?

Baby Video

I’ve posted an older video of Chris that we took at Lisa’s parents house. I just discovered Flickr a few weeks ago (well, re-discovered, guess that puts me on the trail of the Web 2.0 crowd) so of course YouTube seems like the logical next step. So… here it is:

MythTV Box

So building a Tivo seemed like a great idea last month… Actually getting MythTV up and running in my desktop on Ubuntu with a PVR-150 went pretty smoothly.  Upgrading to Dapper seems to have broken the config, and getting the remote and VFD working has been painful.  Probably the best thing to do would be ...

New Photos

New photos of the kids have made it online. There’d be more, but they’re keeping us soo busy…