Hi everyone,
I hope the holidays finds everyone happy and well.
I’m proud to announce that yesterday morning at 12:46 and 12:55 PM Leila and Penelope Shao entered the world.
Leila was 5 lb. 11 oz, and 19 inches long. She’s the quiet thoughtful one, but she’s looking around an awful lot so I’m suspicious that she’s picking up more than she lets on. She’s eating pretty enthusiastically and looks set to catch up to her larger sister shortly.
Penelope was 5 lb. 15 oz and definitely has a good set of lungs. So far she seems like she’s the assertive one — if there’s an elbow in someone’s face, it’s usually hers.
Lisa had a swift and easy labor, and is currently recovering at St. Peters, and should be home by Wednesday morning.
I’ve posted some initial photos of the girls online, and I’ll probably be updating them over the next few weeks:
Twins Photo Album
Happy holidays to everyone and I’ll see you in a few weeks.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and support,
Lisa and Jason