So, after a few months of working almost exclusively in Intellij, I have to say I think it *is* a better IDE, and I miss it when I go back to Eclipse. There’s significant talk about us adopting it, though the usual questions about retraining, etc. rear their ugly head. Neat tidbits that have come up:
- Automatic, pre-commit static code-analysis – including your own bug definitions:
- Great SVN change-list support for keeping multiple flows of changes sorted out – even shows up properly in svn status
- One-click threadlocal refactor:
- Settings sync online w/IDEA Server Plugin
- Glassfish integration works, deploy & really nice console mapping (e.g. tail arbitrary log files) – have to leave username/password blank
- Maven support: true main vs. test scope isolation, hierarchical module support
- Language Injection: specify that certain methods take SQL, Groovy, REGEX, CSS, JS, and get working sytax completion, etc.
Neat Intellij Tricks
So, after a few months of working almost exclusively in Intellij, I have to say I think it *is* a better IDE, and I miss it when I go back to Eclipse. There’s significant talk about us adopting it, though the usual questions about retraining, etc. rear their ugly head. Neat tidbits that have come up: