
New Macbook Pro

Got a new Macbook Pro (gotta add the pro at the end) at work, and have literally spent the whole day adding in all the stuff I “need” to make it my own development box. It’s amazing how much stuff you end up with that you quickly come to rely on. My short list seems to include:

  • Quicksilver
  • Macports
  • NetNewsWire & Marsedit
  • WeatherPop Advance
  • Textmate
  • Omni Group Stuff (Omnigraffle Pro & Outliner Pro)
  • Micrsoft Office: Mac
  • Eclipse & Webtools
  • SVN (through Macports)
  • … which means Apple’s developer tools, for GCC
  • Maven
  • Colloquy

And I’m sure a whole bunch of crap that I’m forgetting right now… It’s amazing how easy it is to justify all this upfront investment for productivity down the line 🙂