The Future of Portable Video Players – But Mr. Jobs outlined three reasons he doubted video players would ever approach the success of audio players – not even counting their high price ($700 and up) and the time-consuming difficulty of loading huge video files onto them. It was clear from his answers that Mr. Jobs has done quite a bit of thinking about the topic.
[ “(extlink)NYTimes”: ]
I think Steve’s nailed it in one that video is a vastly different medium than audio, and so is going to demand a differently shaped solution than just slapping a screen onto an iPod. So what would a video iPod look like? How about a system, built around the current iPod that could be layered to support whatever was necessary?
h4. Why no Video iPod
According to Steve, there are 3 major problems preventing a video iPod.
# on a video player, “there’s just no equivalent of headphones.”
# If you want to see a movie, you can see it in the theater, on DVD, on pay-per-view, on HBO, in flight, and so on
# Most people probably wouldn’t watch even their favorite movies ten times in their lives
I agree with Steve that there are just slapping a screen on the iPod would make for a lousy experience. I think there’s an opportunity here.
h4. Where could we use a vPod?
* The Back seat during long car trips
* As a portable tape library to take places (e.g. a friend’s house, travelling in hotels, or perhaps to give demos
* Displaying photos, slideshows, and presentation without requiring a full computer setup.
Here’s what I envision: 2 new add-on accessories for the current, unmodified iPod.
h4. The “iSpigot”
A wireless link where one end plugs into the iPod. The other end has plugs to attach to a TV, computer monitor, or other display (perhaps some kind of modular end plug with auto detection) and the circuitry necessary to grab video (MP4 perhaps) off of the iPod and display them onscreen. Multiple “iSpigots” could be left at home, work, your parents house, etc. Then, you carry around your iPod with you and wherever you go it takes over the screen that you’ve attached or left the adapter to.
h4. iWindow Screen
A screen that can be attached directly to the iPod and play video files off of it. Either something that plugs directly in, or perhaps just a display with a iSpigot reciever built right in, and a small cradle or something to hold the iPod.
h4. Modular Approach
This way, we can mix and match the different capabilities to suit how we’re using it. Have the iPod evolve into the “mobile media hub” the same way the Mac is the digital one. Keep your data in one place. When you go to your grandma’s attach the transmitter (or build it into every iPod) to put the kids tapes up on Grandma’s TV. Or your Tivo’d episodes of the West Wing.
When you’re in the car, just have the kids pull out the iWindow (or license the design to car makers to build in) and play their episodes of spongebob in the back. Then they grab the screen and take them to sit in the corner of the office while mommy finishes her report.
Want to show vacation photos at the family reunion? Push a button on your iPod to “take over” the iSpigot compatible plasma TV.
What do you think?
Video iPods That Work
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The Future of Portable Video Players – [ “(extlink)NYTimes”: ]
I think Steve’s nailed it in one that video is a vastly different medium than audio, and so is going to demand a differently shaped solution than just slapping a screen onto an iPod. So what would a video iPod look like? How about a system, built around the current iPod that could be layered to support whatever was necessary?
h4. Why no Video iPod
According to Steve, there are 3 major problems preventing a video iPod.
# on a video player, “there’s just no equivalent of headphones.”
# If you want to see a movie, you can see it in the theater, on DVD, on pay-per-view, on HBO, in flight, and so on
# Most people probably wouldn’t watch even their favorite movies ten times in their lives
I agree with Steve that there are just slapping a screen on the iPod would make for a lousy experience. I think there’s an opportunity here.
h4. Where could we use a vPod?
* The Back seat during long car trips
* As a portable tape library to take places (e.g. a friend’s house, travelling in hotels, or perhaps to give demos
* Displaying photos, slideshows, and presentation without requiring a full computer setup.
Here’s what I envision: 2 new add-on accessories for the current, unmodified iPod.
h4. The “iSpigot”
A wireless link where one end plugs into the iPod. The other end has plugs to attach to a TV, computer monitor, or other display (perhaps some kind of modular end plug with auto detection) and the circuitry necessary to grab video (MP4 perhaps) off of the iPod and display them onscreen. Multiple “iSpigots” could be left at home, work, your parents house, etc. Then, you carry around your iPod with you and wherever you go it takes over the screen that you’ve attached or left the adapter to.
h4. iWindow Screen
A screen that can be attached directly to the iPod and play video files off of it. Either something that plugs directly in, or perhaps just a display with a iSpigot reciever built right in, and a small cradle or something to hold the iPod.
h4. Modular Approach
This way, we can mix and match the different capabilities to suit how we’re using it. Have the iPod evolve into the “mobile media hub” the same way the Mac is the digital one. Keep your data in one place. When you go to your grandma’s attach the transmitter (or build it into every iPod) to put the kids tapes up on Grandma’s TV. Or your Tivo’d episodes of the West Wing.
When you’re in the car, just have the kids pull out the iWindow (or license the design to car makers to build in) and play their episodes of spongebob in the back. Then they grab the screen and take them to sit in the corner of the office while mommy finishes her report.
Want to show vacation photos at the family reunion? Push a button on your iPod to “take over” the iSpigot compatible plasma TV.
What do you think?