

This post is maintained for archive purposes. Please see: http://jay.shao.org/resume/ for a current resume.

Comment Spam

p. “(extlink)Six Log: Comment Spam”:http://www.sixapart.com/log/2003/10/comment_spam.shtml talks about spammers increasingly leaving comments on blogs (particularly those powered by MovableType) as in addition to the circulation you would get from email Spam, it helps to build a site’s “(extlink)Google PageRank”:http://www.google.com/technology . This problem has become prevalent that “(extlink)Jay Allen”:http://www.jayallen.org has produced “(extlink)MT-Blacklist”:http://www.jayallen.org/projects/mt-blacklist/ a plug-in designed to reject ...

Pad Thai Restaurant Review

p. I just had dinner again at “Pad Thai”:http://www.pad-thai.com for the first time in a while, and it really brought back how enjoyable everything was. The service was quick and friendly, with a casual feel from the start (the host pointed at various tables, and motioned for us to seat wherever we wanted. We quickly ...

iTunes for Windows

iTunes for Windows
p. “iTunes for Windows “:http://www.apple.com/itunes has been making quite a splash. After a couple of days of using it, I have to say that people who have been using iTunes on the Mac will probably be thrilled, and people who are used to “Winamp”:http://www.winamp.com or “Musicmatch”:http://www.musicmatch.com will probably prefer it after using it for a ...

Trackbacks and Manilla

According to the following page: trackbacks should now be fully functional for users of Userland’s Manilla publishing system. I have to admit, while I find the concept of trackbacks fascinating, I have yet to be able to use them overly due to the fact that many of the sites I read do not yet support ...