

Netiquette, Online Netiquette UNCENSORED! – Common Courtesies and Social Graces for Newbies and Lazy Netizens is a website that publishes a free monthly newsletter discussing different aspects of internet etiquitte. Things like how to forward email, sending attachments, and other topics. Although sometimes too basic, the items are often of value and worth checking out.

Gentoo Linux & MPlayer

I now have my Gentoo Linux setup almost completely functional. I’ve managed to get graphics, sound, and network sharing working. The only big tasks left are printing, and palm-pilot syncing. *ADDITION:* “MPlayer”:http://www.mplayer.hq is quite possibly the best media player I have ever seen. Both it’s ability to play almost any variety of media file that ...

Resume (Handcoded and all)

Just as an exercie I’ve been working on hand-coding my resume, trying to use the HTML(Hypertext Markeup Language) to more closely relate the semantic content, with CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) used to control the formatting. I have most of the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) complete, and hope to finish the stylesheet coding by this weekend. When it ...

Economics of Taxation (Excellent)

I had the great pleasure of sitting in on a session of “Prof. Altschuler’s”:http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~altshule and have to say that in that one class she managed to convince me that she is one of the 5 best instructors I have had the privledge of seeing at “Rutgers”:http://www.rutgers.edu . Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any ...

Gentoo, 8139too & Linux Kernel ACPI

p. Well, I finally have my “Gentoo”:http://www.gentoo.org Linux system up… mostly. I can connect to the Internet, I emerged builds of Gnome, KDE, and some apps like Evolution and Galeon. Getting everything configured and running (particularly ethernet) took a couple of days of futzing around and reading up on the “Gentoo Forums”:http://forums.gentoo.org