
Financial Management Slides

I’ve posted the slides from the ROTC class on financial management online here: financialmanagement.PPT for anyone who missed the class and who wanted to read up on the material. ——–

Had a good time seeing everyone at Andy’s

Just wanted to let everyone know that I had a good time seeing everyone at Andy’s… even the strange veggie food place. Especially seeing Tejal & Ankur’s engagement pics and video… though I must say that you have far more patience with all that garb and the picture taking than I ever could. 🙂 ——–

Odd Night

Last night was pretty crazy. The basic timeline: Miss the first train. Rush through dinner. Arrive at STOMP only to find out that apparently there’s a time restriction on our tickets where you have to show up 1/2 hour early (not what I was told over the phone when I made the reservation) Decide to ...

1 Exam Left

Only 1 exam left to go next week, then nothing more for a while. It’s such a liberating feeling to be free from that time immediate pressure feeling. I’m going to see STOMP tomorrow night, with some tickets I got through work. Should be interesting, and I’m excited since I’ve heard a lot of good ...