
Resume (Handcoded and all)

Just as an exercie I’ve been working on hand-coding my resume, trying to use the HTML(Hypertext Markeup Language) to more closely relate the semantic content, with CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) used to control the formatting. I have most of the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) complete, and hope to finish the stylesheet coding by this weekend. When it ...

Economics of Taxation (Excellent)

I had the great pleasure of sitting in on a session of “Prof. Altschuler’s”:http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~altshule and have to say that in that one class she managed to convince me that she is one of the 5 best instructors I have had the privledge of seeing at “Rutgers”:http://www.rutgers.edu . Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any ...

Daily Targum Redesign

“The Daily Targum”:http://www.dailytargum.com at “Rutgers-New Brunswick”:http://www.rutgers.edu has undergone a new redesign for this year. While the new coverpage looks cleaner and somewhat more attractive, I think many of the interior pages look less professional and the new styles are inconsistantly applied.

New Rutgers Website

“Rutgers University”:http://www.rutgers.edu has comeup with a new overall website template, which they’ve used for the new main site, as well as the New Brunswick/Piscataway Campus section. While much more visually sophisticated and inline with current trends than the past design, I have noticed that the current design uses tables in several locations to layout HTML. ...

Gentoo, 8139too & Linux Kernel ACPI

p. Well, I finally have my “Gentoo”:http://www.gentoo.org Linux system up… mostly. I can connect to the Internet, I emerged builds of Gnome, KDE, and some apps like Evolution and Galeon. Getting everything configured and running (particularly ethernet) took a couple of days of futzing around and reading up on the “Gentoo Forums”:http://forums.gentoo.org